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IClear Module v1.31a
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by Martyn Fox
This is a new version of the IClear module. Copyright of this software
remains with the author but it may be freely copied and distributed,
including distribution by magazine discs, PD libraries, email, bulletin
boards etc., provided the following conditions are adhered to:
1. No charge is made other than to cover the reasonable cost of duplication
and distribution.
2. No alteration is made to either the software or this text file.
3. This text file accompanies all copies of the software.
4. The software may be copied and distributed with or without the source
code as issued by the author. The source code, if included, is subject to
further conditions which are described in an accompanying text file.
Please note that this module will only work with RISC OS 3 or later and is
compatible with the StrongARM processor. Version 1.30 onwards contains a new
feature, described below. and v1.31 has a few extra enhancements. v1.31a has
been issued to fix an obscure bug.
IClear is a module which makes it easier to delete text from a writable
icon. Under RISC OS, to replace the text in such an icon with new text, you
first have to either delete all the characters of the old text or press
Ctrl-U to clear it. This can be a nuisance, especially if you have just
selected the icon with the mouse, as you first have to transfer to the
keyboard, then press Ctrl-U before you can type in your new text.
With IClear running, simply double-click on the writable icon, using either
Select or Adjust. The icon will be inverted, which usually means that it
will turn black with white text. As soon as you press a key, the text in the
icon will vanish, to be replaced with the character that you typed. If you
change your mind after inverting the icon and decide you want to keep your
existing text, a further click with any mouse button anywhere on the screen
will de-invert the icon and put things back to normal.
This software will work with writable icons (button type 15) and also
draggable writable icons (button type 14) but not with writable menu items.
Version 1.30 has been rewritten to overcome problems encountered when using
applications which employ a Wimp filter, such as Octopus Software's Caller
Display. Previous versions caused windows to change shape and/or position
when double-clicking on a writable icon.
An additional feature has been added from v1.30 onwards called ArrowDrag. By
holding down Select or Adjust and pressing one of the arrow keys, the mouse
pointer may be moved by a single pixel in any direction, making precision
drags easier. Diagonal drags are possible by holding down two arrow keys.
This feature is based on a little-known feature of Draw, making it global,
and works with the dedicated arrow keys and the keypad arrow keys.
Version 1.31 allows the Delete or backspace key to clear the text from the
icon without inserting a character into it. Pressing TAB clears the text and
passes the TAB character on to the application. This last feature is for
users of Fresco and Oregano, which insert the string http://www. into the
URL icon when TAB is pressed.
If you want IClear to be loaded automatically, copy the module into either
your !Boot.Choices.Boot.PreDesk directory or !Boot.Choices.Boot.Tasks.
Please send all comments and suggestions to:
M.P. Fox,
email: mfox@argonet.co.uk